Ozeki Chat Console Features

User features

  • View Registered Users: Display a list of all users registered on the platform, including their basic information (name, roles, email, mobile, id, create date).
  • Edit User Information: Modify existing user details such as name, nickname, profile picture, phone number, password, and roles.
  • Create New User: Add a new user to the platform by entering their personal and login details.
  • Delete User: Remove a user from the platform, including all associated data and permissions.

Group features

  • View Group List: Display a list of all groups on the platform, including each group's name, ID, number of participants, and whether the group is public or private.
  • Delete Group: Remove a group from the platform, including all its content and participant data.
  • Edit Group Information: Modify group details such as the group name, description, public/private status, participants, and group image.
  • Create New Group: Set up a new group by providing its name, description, public/private status, participants, and group image.

Friendship features

  • List Users: Display a list of users showing their nicknames, IDs, number of friends, and number of conversations.
  • Select User and View Conversations: After selecting a user, display a list of their conversations, including details like the participants and conversation status.
  • Remove Friendship/Exit Group: Allow the selected user to remove a friendship or exit a group they are part of.
  • Add Friend: Enable the selected user to send a friend request or directly add another user as a friend.

Config features

  • Automatically Search Services: Scan the system for available services that require configuration and list them for further action.
  • Create Configuration Page: Automatically generate a dedicated page for each detected service where configuration settings can be managed.
  • Generate Configuration Form: Automatically create a form on the configuration page with fields corresponding to the settings required by the service.
  • Configure Settings: Enable administrators to input and modify configuration settings through the generated form, applying changes to the corresponding service.

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