Delete Chat Group

In this article, we will show you how you can delete a group chat in the Ozeki Chat System from the Ozeki Chat Control Panel. After deleting a group chat, you won't be able to restore it. Follow our step-by-step guide or the Video Tutorial.

Delete Chat Group (Video Tutorial)

In this Video Tutorial, we will show you how to delete a Chat Group in the Ozeki Chat Service from the Ozeki Chat Control Panel.

Step 1 - Open Chat Control Panel

The first step towards a group chat in your Ozeki Chat system, is to open your Chat Control Panel. You can find it on the dashboard.

Figure 1 - Open Chat Control Panel

Step 2 - Open Groups tab

Once you have opened the Chat Control Panel, you will see the registered users list. To change to the created groups list, click on the "Groups" option in the navbar found on the left of the side.

Figure 2 - Open Groups tab

Step 3 - Select Group

Select the group inside the group list you wish to delete by clicking on it. Once you open it, the group details will show on the right side of the page.

Figure 3 - Select Group

Step 4 - Delete the group

Click on the 3 dots icon below the group image to open the dropdown menu, inside the menu, you will find the "Delete group" option. Click on it to delete the group.

Warning! Deleting a group is permanent and cannot be turned back!

Figure 4 - Delete the group

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