Edit Chat User Information

In this article, we will show you how you can change the details of a user in the Ozeki Chat system from the Ozeki Chat Control Panel. Follow our step-by-step guide to change a user.

Edit Chat User Information (Video Tutorial)

In the following video, we will show you how you can edit an Ozeki Chat Users information from the Ozeki Chat Control Panel.

Step 1 - Open Chat Control Panel

The first step is to open the Chat Control Panel in the dashboard.

Figure 1 - Open Chat Control Panel

Step 2 - Select user to edit

Click on the user you want to edit. Once selected the User Details page opens.

Figure 2 - Select user to edit

Step 3 - Edit user

Click on the "Edit" button to start editing your user in Ozeki Chat.

Figure 3 - Edit user

Step 4 - Change details of user

Enter the new details for your user, or upload a new profile image for your user.

Figure 4 - Change details of user

Step 5 - Save changes

After you have changed the details of your user, click on the "Save" button to finish editing your user.

Figure 5 - Save changes

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