Setting Up AI Text-to-Text Generation on Linux

Follow this detailed guide to set up AI text-to-text generation on an Ubuntu system using the lightweight Llama.cpp implementation, which supports LLaMA models for text generation tasks.

1. Install System Prerequisites

Ensure your system is updated and install essential tools and libraries:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install git build-essential cmake libopenblas-dev libomp-dev python3 python3-pip

This command will update your system and install essential tools like Git, CMake, OpenBLAS, OpenMP, and Python 3.

2. Clone the Llama.cpp Repository

To use Llama.cpp for text-to-text generation, clone the Llama.cpp GitHub repository:

git clone
cd llama.cpp

This command clones the repository and navigates into the Llama.cpp directory.

3. Compile Llama.cpp

Now, you need to compile the Llama.cpp project using the following steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

This will compile Llama.cpp and create the binaries necessary for running the LLaMA models.

4. Download the LLaMA Model Weights

To generate text using LLaMA models, you will need to obtain the LLaMA model weights from Meta AI (if you have access). Once downloaded, place the weights in a `models` folder:

mkdir models

Move the model weights into this newly created `models` folder. For example, you could place the 7B model weights inside models/7B/.

5. Convert Model Weights to ggml Format

The model weights must be converted into the ggml format, which is optimized for use with Llama.cpp. You can convert the weights using the provided conversion script:

python3 models/7B/ 1

This Python script converts the PyTorch weights to ggml format. Make sure you point to the correct model directory.

6. Run Text-to-Text Generation using LLaMA

Now that the model is ready, you can generate text by providing an input prompt. Use the following command for text-to-text generation:

./main -m models/7B/ggml-model-f32.bin -p "Generate a story based on: The brave knight ventured into the dark forest."

This command will load the 7B model and generate text based on the input prompt "The brave knight ventured into the dark forest.". You can adjust the prompt according to your needs for different text-to-text generation tasks.

7. AI Text-to-Text Generation in Python (Optional)

If you prefer to use Python for running LLaMA models, you can do so by installing the Python bindings for Llama.cpp. First, install the required package:

pip3 install llama-cpp-python

Then, you can use the following Python script to load the model and generate text:

import llama_cpp

# Load the LLaMA model
llm = llama_cpp.Llama(model_path="models/7B/ggml-model-f32.bin")

# Input prompt for text-to-text generation
input_prompt = "Generate a response based on: The explorer found an ancient treasure hidden in the desert."

# Generate text
output = llm(input_prompt)

This script initializes the LLaMA model and generates a response based on the provided input text prompt.

8. Optimize Performance (Optional)

For better performance, especially on larger models, you can enable optimizations like AVX, FMA, or GPU acceleration. To enable GPU acceleration, compile with CUDA support:

make clean

This will enable CUDA acceleration if your system has a compatible GPU.

9. Advanced Usage (Optional)

Llama.cpp allows fine-tuning various parameters for text generation such as maximum output length, temperature, and repetition penalties. You can customize the generation as follows:

./main -m models/7B/ggml-model-f32.bin -p "Tell me a short story about a robot learning emotions" -n 150 --temp 0.7 --top_p 0.9

In this command:

  • -n 150: Generates a maximum of 150 tokens.
  • --temp 0.7: Adjusts the temperature for sampling (higher values make the output more random).
  • --top_p 0.9: Implements nucleus sampling to control diversity.


You have successfully set up AI text-to-text generation using Llama.cpp on Ubuntu. Whether you want to use it via the command line or through Python, you can now generate creative and complex text responses based on a variety of input prompts. Explore different model sizes and optimize for performance as needed!