AI Developer

In this article, you will learn how to send prompts to your local large language model (LLM) running in Ozeki AI Studio over HTTP, via Postman. The guide is designed to suit various learning preferences, offering a condensed cheat sheet for quick reference, a video tutorial for visual representation, and a comprehensive, step-by-step written guide with edited screenshots.

Create an Ozeki API key in the Ozeki AI Chat Server

  • Free of charge
  • Create as many API keys as you like
  • Use it with local AI models

Use the Ozeki API key in your AI app

  • Any ChatGPT compatible app can be used
  • Simple JSON/REST API
  • Multiple AI apps can be developed free of charge

Sending a prompt to your LLM over HTTP (cheat sheet)

  1. Open Ozeki Chat Gateway
  2. Create new HTTP user
  3. Enter credentials of HTTP user
  4. Enable communications log for HTTP user
  5. Open Postman
  6. Create new POST request
  7. Enter address of AI chat bot
  8. Enter authentication credentials of HTTP user
  9. Write and send request
  10. Check response and logs in both Postman and Chat Gateway

Sending a prompt to your LLM over HTTP (video guide)

The video below demonstrates how to send a prompt to an LLM running in Ozeki AI Studio via HTTP, using Postman. It provides a step-by-step tutorial, starting with configuring Ozeki 10’s Chat Gateway. You'll learn how to add a new HTTP user, set up credentials, and enable detailed logging to monitor communication events. The video then shifts to Postman, showing how to set up a POST request, configure authentication, and send a prompt to the LLM. Finally, it walks through verifying the response and reviewing the logs to ensure the prompt was successfully processed.

Sending a prompt to your LLM over HTTP (in-depth walkthrough)

Open Chat Gateway, highlighted by a red arrow in Figure 1.

Open Chat gateway
Figure 1 - Open Chat gateway

In the right panel, click Add application or chatbot..., as shown in Figure 2.

Add Application or Chat bot
Figure 2 - Add Application or Chat bot

Look for HTTP user in the list, and click Install next to it, as demonstrated by Figure 3.

Install HTTP user
Figure 3 - Install HTTP user

Enter login credentials of this user, and click Ok, showcased in Figure 4.

Provide user name and password
Figure 4 - Provide user name and password

On the Advanced tab of the user's settings, look for Log level and click it. Tick the box next to Log communication events and hit Ok.

Figure 5 -

Open Postman, and create a new request. Go to the Authorization page of the request. Open the dropdown menu under Auth Type and select Basic Auth.

Enter the credentials to the corresponding textboxes on the right. Looking at Figure 6, you can see that these credentials are identical to the ones we set for the new HTTP user in Chat Gateway.

Before you go any further, you'll need your own AI chat bot. Click here to find out how to set up an AI chat bot in Ozeki AI Studio.

Configure Authorization in Postman
Figure 6 - Configure authorization in Postman

Set the request's type to POST, and paste the address of your desired chat bot.

Go to the Body page of the request, set the body type to raw, and enter your code.

The code should contain your prompt, as well as which AI chat bot you're asking, similarly to Figure 7.

Once you're ready, click Send, located near the top right edge of the screen.

Send request in Postman
Figure 7 - Send request in Postman


URL: https://IP Address:9508/api?/api?action=chatgpt
Authorization: Bearer : API key
	"model": "AI_Chat_Bot_1@localhost",
	"messages": [
		{"role": "user", "content": "Where is Budapest?"}

The response should appear below in Postman, just like in Figure 8. Check to see if you were successful.

Response in Postman
Figure 8 - Response in Postman


"object": "chat.completion",
"created": 1728387187,
"model": "AI_Chat_Bot_1@localhost",
"choices": [
	"index": 0,
	"message": {
		"role": "assistant",
		"content": "# Map of the city of interest\ncity_map = {\r\n \"Budapest\": ...
		"refusal": null
	"logprobs": null,
	"finish_reason": "stop"
"usage": {
	"prompt_tokens": 0,
	"completion_tokens": 0,
	"total_tokens": 0,
	"completion_tokens_details": {
		"reasoning_tokens": 0
"system_fingerprint": "fp_f85bea6784"

Head back to the Events page of your HTTP user in Ozeki Chat Gateway. If no mistakes were made along the way, the log should look similar to Figure 9.

 HTTP user communication log
Figure 9 - HTTP user communication log

Finally, open your desired chat bot's page in Chat Gateway, and navigate to the Events tab to see the communication logs for self-checking (Figure 10).

AI Chat bot communication log
Figure 10 - AI Chat bot communication log

Postman example:

Figure 11 below showcases what your HTTP request and its response should look like in Postman.

Figure 11 - Example request in Postman

CURL example:

curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Basic http1:abc123" \
  -d '{
     "model": "AI_Chat_Bot_1@localhost",
     "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "Where is Budapest?"}]


In conclusion, this guide has provided an overview of how to send prompts to your LLM in Ozeki AI Studio via HTTP, using Postman. You now have a solid understanding of how to configure the Chat Gateway, create and authenticate an HTTP user, and monitor communication logs. With these steps, you can now effectively interact with your LLM over HTTP and manage the exchange with confidence.

More information