How to answer E-mail messages with AI

Unlock the Power of AI-Powered Email Bots with Ozeki Studio - Learn how to create a cutting-edge email bot using Hugging Face models, deploy it seamlessly through Ozeki Chat Gateway, and transform your email interactions. From setting up your email account and connecting it to the AI-powered bot, to sending test emails and receiving personalized responses, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire process of crafting an intelligent email assistant that serves as a game-changer for your business operations

Key advantages

  • The whole systems runs on your own Windows computer: No internet connection is needed
  • You can feed the AI your own konwledge base: Generate accurate, insightful, usefula and appropriate responses based on data and knowledge you already have
  • Your private information stays private: As no online services are involved, you don't have to worry about passing sensitive information in e-mails to 3rd parties
  • Cost efficient: With your own low cost GPU (or general purpose CPU) you can generate responses free of charge.
  • Scalable: Multiple computers can be put setup if needed
  • Full control: Log files, custom confiuration options give you total control over your system

How does it work

The solution works the following way: The Ozeki e-mail client checks your inbox periodically. If it sees a new e-mail it downloads a copy. After the e-mail is downloaded, it ask the AI if it is relevant for answer. If the answer is 'yes', it asks the AI to generate a reply e-mail.

The reply e-mail can be sent to directly to the sender and/or to the recipient (you). If you send the AI generated response to your e-mail address only, it will allow you to review the AI response and use it to reply the e-mail manually.

The AI engine can be configured to use your local knowledge-base to generate a response. For example it can download the datasheet of the user who sent the e-mail from your CRM, or it can base it's reply based on a FAQ you put together.


To setup your on-premises E-mail AI solution, you need to install Ozeki Chat Server on a Windows PC. We also recommend you to buy a GPU for higher performance (you can use a general CPU, but it the system will be slower). It is also good if you have plenty of RAM in your PC. Check out the Ozeki AI studio hardware requirements for more information.

How to setup the solution (Quick steps)

  • Download an AI model
  • Open Ozeki AI studio and setup the downloaded model
  • Create an AI E-mail Bot
  • Open Ozeki Chat gateway
  • Setup your e-mail account
  • Connect the e-mail account to the AI E-mail Bot
  • Send a test E-mail and see the AI response

Step 1. - Download an AI model


Step 2. - Open Ozeki AI studio and setup the model


Step 3. - Create an AI E-mail Bot


Step 4. - Open Ozeki Chat gateway


Step 5. - Setup your e-mail account


Step 6. - Connect the e-mail account to the AI E-mail Bot


Step 7. - Send a test E-mail and see the AI response
