How to connect AI chat bot to an Ozeki Chat Account

Step 1. Install Ozeki Chat Server

Chat server installer Welcome page
Figure 1 - Chat server installer "Welcome page"

Figure 2 -

Step 2. Download LLama 3 model from Hugging face to c:\AIModels

Open page
Figure 3 - Open page

Select GGUF models
Figure 4 - Select GGUF models

Select model library
Figure 5 - Select model library

Download model file
Figure 6 - Download model file

Figure 7 - Copy GGUF model file to C:\AIModels

Step 3. Model install + Chat Bot install + Chat in Ozeki AI studio

Open AI studio
Figure 8 - Open AI studio

Create new AI model
Figure 9 - Create new AI model

Select model file
Figure 10 - Select model file

Create new AI chatbot
Figure 11 - Create new AI chatbot

Select created AI model
Figure 12 - Select created AI model

Enable chatbot
Figure 13 - Enable Chat bot

Open chatbot
Figure 14 - Open Chat bot

Send messages to Chat bot
Figure 15 - Send messages to Chat bot

Messaging event in Event log
Figure 16 - Messaging event in Event log

Step 4. Register chat account at (

Create Myozeki account
Figure 17 - Create Myozeki account

Provide account details
Figure 18 - Provide account details

Figure 19 - New account registered

Step 5. Chat gateway setup, install chat account, route to chat bot, to chat in browser

Open chat gateway
Figure 20 - Open chat gateway

Add new chat account
Figure 21 - Add new chat account

Install Ozeki chat account
Figure 22 - Install Ozeki chat account

Provide account details
Figure 23 - Provide account details

Enable chat account
Figure 24 - Enable chat account

Add new incoming route
Figure 25 - Add new incoming route

Configure incoming route
Figure 26 - Configure incoming route

Add new outgoing route
Figure 27 - Add new outgoing route

Configure outgoing route
Figure 28 - Configure outgoing route

Add new chat friend
Figure 29 - Add new chat friend

Add AI as friend
Figure 30 - Add AI as friend

Chat with AI
Figure 31 - Chat with AI