How to uninstall Ozeki Chat
If you wish to uninstall the Ozeki Chat client, you will need to delete it with Windows built-in application uninstaller, and then delete the left-over files from the computer. This guide will give you every information you need to preform the uninstallation.
Step 1 - Open the Windows Settings menu
First, to find the built-in application uninstaller, please open the Start menu. You can do this with the Windows button on your keyboard, or by clicking the Windows logo on the left side of the taskbar. Here you will be able to find the Settings button. Click it and it will open windows settings menu. You can see the button on Figure 1.
Step 2 - Select Apps in the Settings menu
Now you are on the Setting window. Here you can deeply configure your computers OS. Now you need to find the list of your currently installed apps. To do that, select the Apps submenu. To find that, look at Figure 2.
Step 3 - Search for Ozeki Chat from the list
Now, to find the Ozeki Chat, please type ozeki into the search bar located above the app list. If you have found it, search for the uninstall button on the right side of the application panel. You can see where to click on Figure 3.
Step 4 - Uninstall Ozeki Chat
On Figure 4, you can see the uninstallation process bar. If it reaches the right side of the window, it is finished cleaning Ozeki Chat from your computer. If it is finished, please click the Close button, so the uninstaller will exit.
Step 5 - Remove OzekiChatClient folder
Now to have all the files wiped of from your hard drive, you need to go to the following location: C:\\Program Files\Ozeki and delete everything. To do that, select all the files and folders located in the Ozeki folder, right-click them and choose Delete. You can see the process on Figure 5.
To properly delete the Ozeki Chat Client from your computer, you will need to manually uninstall some elements of the program. To do that, you need to open File Explorer. Here you will see a white bar on the top of the window, as we show on Figure 7. Here you need to type in %AppData%, and hit enter. But be careful, the lower case and upper case letters are differentiated.
If you followed the previous step, the C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming folder will open in front of you. Here you will need to look for the folder called Ozeki. As we show on Figure 8. If you found it, open the folder.
To finish the uninstallation process, you need to delete the OzekiChatClient folder, which you can see on Figure 9. To do that, right-click the folder, and choose Delete. Keep in mind that all your previous messages will be deleted as well.
More information
- How to start the Windows chat client and login
- How to select a chat and switch between friends
- How to send chat message in the Ozeki Windows Chat client
- How to send an emoji in the Ozeki Windows Chat client
- How to send a word .doc file from Windows using browse icon
- How to send a word .doc from file explorer using drag and drop
- How to send a picture using Windows snipping tool and copy paste
- How to send a picture from a browser using copy paste
- How to download and open a received word document
- Windows chat client specific features
- How to uninstall the Windows chat client