Friends / List
When the Friends/List API request is invoked in the Ozeki Chat Client, it retrieves crucial information about a user's friends, including their availability status and unique identifiers. By querying this API, the client efficiently obtains the userId, username, public key, and availability of each friend, facilitating seamless communication. This feature streamlines the user experience by providing comprehensive details about friends, enabling quick and informed decisions on whom to engage with based on availability.
Friends list request
Method: | POST |
URL: | ?srv=chatserver&api=chatfriends |
Request headers: | Content-Type: application/json Ozeki-Signature: signature Ozeki-Station: stationId Ozeki-User: userId |
POST data: | { "action": "list", "clientversioncode": 3, "timestamp": "2024-03-08 13:55:47" } |
Friends list response
Response headers | Content-Type: application/json |
Response data: | { "status": "OK", "errormessage": "", "friends": { "d574638619cbff603bf857164c47e850": "Administrator" }, "availabilities": [ { "friendid": "d574638619cbff603bf857164c47e850", "friendname": "Administrator", "publickey": "MIIBIjA...IDAQAB", "availability": "available" } ] } |
Request parameters
userid: This parameter contains the user id of the user. This field can be calculated by taking the md5 checksum of the user's e-mail address. For example: md5("") = "aa68d2204cb2bb85f2de3b9aad0d86d7";
timestamp: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss format, in UTC timezone, it's the client's responsibility to convert it into the local timezone.
More information
- Ozeki Chat API - Login
- Ozeki Chat API - Availability
- Ozeki Chat API - Friends / List
- Ozeki Chat API - Report
- Ozeki Chat API - Notification
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / List
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / Partial download
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / Add
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / Clear
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / Favorite
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / Unfavorite
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / Change Color
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / Download
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / Mute
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / Unmute
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / Hide
- Ozeki Chat API - Conversation / Unhide
- Ozeki Chat API - Blocklist
- Ozeki Chat API - Workspace - register