Conversation / Unhide

In the Ozeki Chat Client, the Conversation/Unhide API request enables users to reverse the action of hiding specific participants, restoring their visibility within the chat interface. By utilizing the conversation unhide action, users can select hidden users to be shown once again, facilitating open communication and interaction. Upon successful execution, the API returns the conversation with the previously hidden user, confirming their restoration to visibility within the chat environment.

Unhide request

Method: POST
URL: ?srv=chatserver&api=chatconversation
Request headers: Content-Type: application/json Ozeki-Signature: signature Ozeki-Station: stationId Ozeki-User: userId
POST data:
  "action": "unhide",
  "conversationid": "8ca16186c36a4e0a1ef2096e6c60b613",
  "clientversioncode": 3,
  "timestamp": "2024-03-11 07:43:46"

Unhide response

Response headers Content-Type: application/json
Response data:
  "status": "OK",
  "errormessage": "",
  "conversation": {
    "id": "8ca16186c36a4e0a1ef2096e6c60b613",
    "isgroup": false,
    "participantids": [
    "participants": [
        "userid": "aa68d2204cb2bb85f2de3b9aad0d86d7",
        "username": "Alice"
        "userid": "d574638619cbff603bf857164c47e850",
        "username": "Administrator"
    "displayname": "lnW...A==",
    "lastmessageid": "",
    "lastreportid": "",
    "lastaccess": 1710142205,
    "secret": "ldD...A==",
    "instance": "7sSwU2VoFM",
    "mutedby": [],
    "favoriteby": [],
    "hiddenby": [],
    "properties": [
        "userid": "d574638619cbff603bf857164c47e850",
        "ismuted": false,
        "isfavorite": false,
        "hideid": "",
        "listitembackgroundcolor": "#bae1ff"

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