How to find the local IP address of my computer on Windows 11

How to find the local IP address of my computer on Windows 11 (Easy steps)

To find the local IP address of my computer on Windows 11

Find your computer's local IP address on Windows 11 (Video tutorial)

The following video will be about to show you the method of finding the local IP address of your computer on Windows 11 system. We give you detailed instructions about the process. You only need to follow them step-by-step. By the end of the video, you will get a knowledge about this method, so it will not cause any difficulties in the future to find a computer's IP address.

As the first step, you need to launch the Command Prompt application on your computer. You an find this applaication easily, by entering it's name into the windows search field. Start entering the name of Command Prompt, and it will appear as a result. (Figure 1) After finding the application, start running by double-clicking on it.

Search for command prompt
Figure 1 - Search for command prompt

A new Command Prompt window is shown, indicating successful access to the Command Prompt application. (Figure 2) This window is where you can input commands to interact with your computer's operating system. It serves as a powerful tool for executing various tasks, troubleshooting issues, and accessing system information quickly and efficiently.

New command prompt window opened
Figure 2 - New command prompt window opened

Now that you have the Command Prompt window open, you can proceed to find your local IP address. In the Command Prompt window, type the following command: ipconfig
(Figure 3) Then press Enter. This command will display detailed information about your network connections, including your local IP address.

Look for your local IP
Figure 3 - Look for your local IP



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