Ozeki Chat Console
The Ozeki Chat Console is the administrative interface of the Ozeki Chat system. This page provides information on how to get started using this app. The chat console is available for those who run their own Ozeki chat system on their own infrastructure, or who rent a workspace directly from Ozeki.
Chat console documentation
Ozeki chat console feature list
How to use the Ozeki Chat Control Panel
More information
- Lecture 3.1 - Basic admin tasks (Install, Uninstall, Upgrade, Configure)
- Lecture 3.2 - User management (Create user, Suspend user, Delete, Password)
- Lecutre 3.3 - Device management (View online devices, Black lists)
- Lecture 3.4 - Password management (Strength, Lost password, User recovery)
- Lecture 3.5 - Networking (Firewall config, port forwarding, traffic proxy)
- Lecture 3.6 - Push notifications (Apple, Android, Windows push notifications)
- Lecture 3.7 - Audio and Video calls (STUN, TURN)
- Lecture 3.8 - Backup, restore (Backup data, Restore data)
- Lecture 3.8 - Resource management (Disk space, Memory, Ports)
- Lecture 3.10 - Developer access (APIs, Developer accounts, Restrictions)
- Lecture 3.11 - Trouble shooting
- Lecture 3.12 - Chat console