How to quote selected text in a chat reply

On this page, we are going to show you the correct way of quoting a selected text in a chat reply with the help of a video and a step-by-step guide. Knowing how to quote selected text in a chat reply is important because it ensures that your response is clear. This feature is particularly useful in group chats or long conversations where multiple topics are being discussed constantly. Quoting selected text helps maintain the flow of conversation and ensures that everyone stays on the same page. Overall, it enhances the effectiveness of your communication.

How to quote selected text in a chat reply (Video guide)

In this simple video tutorial, we are going to demonstrate how to quote selected text in a chat reply. The tutorial begins with selecting a text that you would like to quote and ends with successfully replying to the quoted text. By the end of the guide, you will see how easy it is to respond to a quoted text.

How to quote selected text in a chat reply (Step-by-step guide)

To begin the process, the very first step you need to take is to select a conversation and then you need to receive a chat message just like it is shown in Figure 1.

Chat message received
Figure 1 - Chat message received

The next step is selecting the text you would like to quote. As you can see in Figure 2, you can do this by navigating your cursor onto the selected message. You will see that above the message a panel will appear.

Select text
Figure 2 - Select text

After selecting to text, you now have to quote the text. Do this by clicking on the quote icon as shown by the red arrow in Figure 3.

quote the selected text in the chat reply
Figure 3 - Quote text

You have to reply to the quoted text in the text box below. As you can see in Figure 4, the quoted text will appear above the text panel, making it easier for you to write everything into your answer as you can constantly see the message. When you are satisfied with your answer, hit the 'Send' button.

Reply to quoted text
Figure 4 - Reply to quoted text

In Figure 6, you can see that after hitting the 'Send' button the reply message will be sent. The quoted text and its answer will appear in the conversation together, making the chat more clear.

Reply message sent
Figure 5 - Reply message sent

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I quote selected text in a chat reply on mobile devices?

Yes, you can also quote a selected text in a chat reply on the mobile application of Ozeki Chat. It works quite the same as it works on a computer, the only difference is that here you need to tap on the text.

Is there a limit to how much text I can quote in a conversation?

In Ozeki, you can quote as much text as you want in a conversation. There is no limit, so you can include all the relevant parts of the previous messages you need. This makes it easy to reference past discussions and communicate effectively.

Does quoting selected text in a chat reply notify the original sender?

No, in Ozeki Chat, the chat partner will not receive a notification if you quote their message. Notifications are only sent when you send a direct reply message to them.


Learning how to quote selected text in a chat reply is an essential skill for effective communication. By quoting specific text from previous messages, you provide context to your response, ensuring clarity and understanding. This feature becomes valuable in group chats or long conversations where multiple topics are discussed. Quoting selected text helps maintain the flow of conversation, preventing misunderstandings and ensuring everyone stays on the same page. By mastering this skill, you can enhance the effectiveness of your communication.

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