How to change the admin password
Keep your Ozeki SMS Gateway secure! This quick guide shows you how to change your admin password in just minutes. Step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and a video tutorial make the process simple, even for non-technical users. Learn how to protect your SMS Gateway, Chat system, AI Server or other software on the Ozeki 10 system with a strong, updated password.
This operation is really crucial to keep your account safe from unwanted actions. Changing your password takes just about 2 minutes.
How to change the admin password (Quick steps)
To change the admin password:
- Launch Ozeki to get to the home page
- Open Ozeki Start menu from the taskbar
- Choose the Help menu item
- Select Change password option
- Enter your current password
- Enter your new password
- Save the modifications to change the password
- Login with your new password to Ozeki
How to change the admin password (Video tutorial)
This video shows you how to change the admin password in the Ozeki software. It starts with opening the password changing page and ends when the password is changed and the user is logged in with the new password. This process should not take more than 1 minute, and it needs no IT knowledge. You will learn what page you need to open and where to type in the admin password. All Ozeki software products have a very intuitive graphical interface, so you will have no problem following this tutorial.
Open the change password page
The changing of your password can be easily done in its dedicated menu. You can reach this 'Change Password' form simply from the desktop. As you can see it in Figure 1, just click on the Start menu, here select the 'Help' menu, and finally, just click on the 'Change password' option.
Change the admin password
After you selected the 'Change password' option, the following form shows up (Figure 2). This is the menu, where you can change and store a new password. For that, just type your current password in the first field, then type the new password in the second field and retype it in the third field as well. To save the modifications, just click on 'Save'.
Login with your new admin password
After saving a new password for your account, the application logs you out to log in again but now using your new password. All you have to do here is to enter your username and the changed password in the fields of the login form (Figure 3) and just click on 'OK'.
Now, you can pause and relax a bit. We hope you didn’t get lost in the explanations. We did our very best to make it simple and to walk you through all the details as lucid as possible. By following the above directions, you can achieve the desired result in a few minutes. Now you can start using the product.
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